Appointment FAQ

Do I need to make an appointment to try on wedding dresses?

Yes. To ensure we can give you our full attention and provide the service that every bride deserves, appointments are necessary.

How long is my appointment?

Bridal appointments are for approximately 1 hour.

What are the price ranges for your wedding dresses?

Our wedding dresses range between $299 to $2800.
We also have a sale rack with dresses as much as 60% off.

What size dresses are available for me to try on?

Our dresses in store are in all sizes up to size 28 depending on the style. Most dresses are available up to a size 36.

May I take pictures of the dresses while I try them on?

We do not allow cameras, phones or ipads including face time in the showroom or fitting rooms. Once you have purchased a dress, you may take as many pictures as you’d like.